Donna D'Cruz

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Dip Into Bliss: Understanding

December is the month of awareness. There’s so much going on, so coming back to your breath and being present is going to be super important. In our second week, we’ve chosen this idea of understanding. Understanding yourself, perhaps, understanding others, understanding what your life’s purpose is, or understanding the meaning of a movie you just saw or a song you just heard. And I love this quote about understanding:

“Peace can not be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding" -Albert Einstein

In this world of understanding, it’s a very interesting time because we are watching news we might not believe in, we’re listening to leaders whose principals we might not subscribe to, and we’ve got a lot of failed economic systems globally. We’re questioning what’s happening and it’s not just the value of things that’s becoming questionable, because I think that’s always been the course, the pendulum swings, the river flows, things come and go. The idea is that regardless of what else is going on, the surety that you can have is within yourself and getting to know yourself. When you ask yourself these questions, this is why we’ve actually created a meditation that’s called ‘Who Am I?’ Regardless of what I’m being told and what I think I should look at, and where my attention is being distracted toward, who am I? And you keep asking this question, not just so that you sit in a place of questioning, but so that you listen. When you start listening, you start understanding yourself, and this might be the most powerful spiritual path to take. It’s not easy, but it’s not as hard as you think, either.